Burundi English School (BES)

1. Student’s Rights and Responsibilities

BES students have rights and responsibilities. As long as they fulfil their responsibilities, they also are entitled with full privileges that the school offers. They have:

  • The right and the responsibility to learn
  • The right to dignity and respect and the responsibility to provide dignity and respect.
  • The right to be safe and (secured) in this school and the responsibility not to interfere with the safety and security of others.
  • The right to learn in a calm, peaceful and quiet environment and the responsibility to maintain that calm and peaceful environment.
  • The right to openly and freely express themselves and the responsibility to allow others to do the same.
  • The right to privacy and own personal space and the responsibility to respect others property and privacy.
  • The right to get help and assistance from others and the responsibility to provide help and assistance to other.


2. School Wide Conduct Expectations

Students are expected to:

  • Show consideration, courtesy and respect to others and their property.
  • Walk quietly and safely to and from all activities.
  • Use appropriate language and gestures with others.
  • Keep personal space, classroom and school areas clean.
  • Be on time.
  • Treat all school property with care and respect.
  • Be in class during class time and receive permission to leave the classroom.

3. Detailed types of prohibited behaviour and actions

Primary School

a. Level One

Inappropriate behaviour;
Inappropriate/profane language or gesture;
Disruptive behaviour;
Dress code violation

2. Level Two

Repeated level one infractions;
Harassing or bullying

3. Level Three

Repeated level two infractions;
Endangering the health, safety, and/or welfare of self or others;
Physical aggression;
Possession of a weapon, firearm, or other dangerous/illegal substance;

Secondary School

  • Dishonesty such as cheating during examinations or plagiarism in connection with any academic work;
  • Forgery, alteration or misuse of school documents, records of credentials; knowingly furnishing false information to the school in connection with official documents filed by him and making publishing or circulating false information about the school, its officials and classmates, teachers, etc.;
  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching, administrative work, disciplinary proceedings or school activities;
  • Physical assault on any person within the premises of the school(and elsewhere)
  • Defamation committed against any student, teacher or professor or school authority or his agents;
  • Arrogance and defamatory statement regard ( towards teachers, classmates and any person) to the teachers;
  • Theft of, or damage of the property of the school;
  • Unauthorized entry to or use of school facilities;
  • Vandalism, which is willful destruction of any school property and which includes, but is not limited to, such acts as tearing off or defacing any library book, magazine or periodical; writing or drawing on the wall or pieces of furniture; breakage of glass windows, showcases, cabinet doors, electrical, mechanical or electronic device or contrivances; unauthorized removal of official notices and posters from the bulletin boards and other offenses;
  • Hazing, which is any act that injures, degrades or tends to injure, degrade or disgrace any fellow student or person attending the school, whether it is a mere conspiracy or actually engaging in this activity, and it includes but it is not limited to initiations and admissions to fraternities;
  • Illegal use, possession or distribution of narcotic or dangerous drugs;
  • Unlawful possession or use of explosive or deadly weapons;
  • Abusive behavior or discourtesy towards school officials;
  • Entering the school premises in a state of intoxication;
  • Engaging in any form of gambling within the premises of the school;
  • Smoking inside (and outside) the classroom during class hours or in laboratories, libraries or auditorium at any time;
  • Sexual harassment or related misconduct;
  • Violation of any penal statute or of rules and regulations or of any valid order of a competent school authority;
  • Any other conduct which threatens or endangers the health and/or safety of any person inside (and outside) the school premises or which adversely affects the student’s suitability as member of the School community.

News & events

Importance of making positive choices

On the 31st of October 2024, we had the honor of hearing from a group of inspiring individuals who shared their personal stories and testimonies with us. Their message reminded us of the importance of making positive choices, staying away from harmful habits, and keeping God at the center of our lives. Thank you for showing us how to live a life of purpose, faith, and integrity. Your wisdom and guidance will stay with us as we work towards a brighter, better future !

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