Burundi English School (BES)

44, Avenue du Large, Kinindo

Phone Number : (+ 257) 72 38 99 30 // 77 88 88 11

310 Bujumbura

Website : http://www.burundienglishschool.info

E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

News & events

Importance of making positive choices

On the 31st of October 2024, we had the honor of hearing from a group of inspiring individuals who shared their personal stories and testimonies with us. Their message reminded us of the importance of making positive choices, staying away from harmful habits, and keeping God at the center of our lives. Thank you for showing us how to live a life of purpose, faith, and integrity. Your wisdom and guidance will stay with us as we work towards a brighter, better future !

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